My 2022 Picks: Makeup

Makeup is my absolute favorite product to experiment with, and Instagram/TikTok has truly made the discovery process a lot easier (and cheaper $$$) to navigate ;)

So find below some of my favorite cosmetic product discoveries made this year!

Pixi On The Glow Cream Blush Stick

First up, is the Pixi Beauty On The Glow Blush stick which you probably recognize from the 13 million TikToks it has been featured in. This product has sent me into a blush FRENZY. I love piling this on like crazy because no matter how much you use, it remains light, creamy, and natural. It adds such a beautiful flush to my face and pulls my cheekbones sky high! Being fair, discovering the power of blush has been so exciting as I can’t ever go super crazy with the contour and bronzer. This blush works so well with a highlighter and light contour to pronounce cheekbones even on my most vitamin D deficient days…

I also LOVE the way it applies. It’s a creamy mousse, lipstick like texture that applies and blends beautifully with your fingers.

I use shade Juicy :)

ELF Cosmetics Primers

I have experimented with primer a bit more this year, as TikTok has made it easier for me to understand what it is/how its used, but more importantly— highlighting only the worthy stuff! I started with the putty primer, as this one is acne fighting and I love having that extra layer of protection before layering on all the cosmetic products.

The super grip is for holding all the other stuff in place alllllll day long!

Lo’Real BB Cream

I have been using a Givenchy version of this for the last 3 years, but it was just recently discontinued… Thankfully this one was brought to my attention and is just as effective and a quarter of the price! I love to use this as a foundation sub, as it just evens out my skin tone and calms my redness!

NYX Shine Loud Liquid Lipsticks

I have been a lipstick enthusiast the last year, but my number one concern with every application is the fading/feathering after a long day, eating, and/or drinking. Especially when it comes to a red, I am horrified of looking like messy Joker after gorging on Christmas cookies. This lipstick does. not. budge. So much in fact, that it is nearly impossible to remove! Love that for us… Anyways, I started a test with red, and ended up loving it so much, I found in my nude lip color as well and it is my new go to! Smudge proof, food/drink proof, and most importantly kiss proof ;)

Powder Puff

I have never been a powder user, as I like my makeup on the more natural/dewier side, and powder gives you a matte effect and if not used carefully can definitely cause cakeyness and creasing. However the discovery of the puff application has now turned me to the powder side… I use it under my eyes only to decrease the appearance of fine lines, however I also love the brightening effect this has!


My 2023 Picks: Skincare


My 2022 Picks: Skincare